Jiyang Zhang

Ph.D. @ UT Austin


I am a PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Texas at Austin, advised by Prof. Milos Gligoric and Junyi Jessy Li. I am interested in applying Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning techniques to Software Engineering to help software engineers be more productive. You can find my CV here.
Previously, I completed my undergraduate study at ShenYuan Honors College, Beihang University in 2019. Before that, I spent one sememster as an exchange undergradute at University of Toronto and one semester as research assistant at University of Montreal in Canada.

I am on the industry job market (2024-2025)!


Apr 12, 2024 I will join the Amazon Web Services (AWS) as an Applied Scientist Intern in Summer 2024! 🚢
Mar 1, 2024 I was chosen as one of the speakers to present at ECE Outstanding Student Lecture Series! 🌟
Feb 17, 2024 I took 2nd place in the 2024 UT Austin Lunar New Year Badminton Tournament in MD-A 🏸